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業界資訊: 小杜再撥$6億給房市這些創新領域

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(加西網綜合)在繼昨天宣布撥款 15 億用於購買和修繕公寓住房用於廉租房和經濟適用房的計劃之後,周五上午,加拿大總理杜魯多卡爾加裡再次宣布新的住房撥款計劃:將在即將到來的新預算中撥款超過 6 億加元,用於新住宅建設。

根據規劃,聯邦政府將撥款 6 億元用於一系列新住宅建設、旨在擴大加拿大模塊化和預制房屋發展的創新努力,這筆新資金旨在幫助改變加拿大的住房建設方式,使其更容易、更便宜地大規模建設,以解決目前的住房短缺問題。



用於發展加拿大住房建築業的超過 6 億加元的資金將分配如下:

  • 5 億元用於公寓建設貸款計劃(Apartment Construction Loan Program),專門支持采用預制和模塊化房屋制造商的創新建築技術的新出租房屋項目;
  • 5000 萬元用於新的“住宅建築技術和創新基金”,該基金還將利用私營部門的資金來擴大和商業化住房技術和材料,例如用於預制房屋的材料;
  • 5000 萬元用於區域舉措,旨在通過模塊化房屋、大規模木材建築、機器人、3D 打印和自動化實現建築實踐現代化;
  • 1,160 萬元用於執行自由黨的標准化計劃,標准化多達 50 個“高效、經濟、宜居的住宅藍圖”,包括排屋、模塊化住宅、四聯體和其他高密度設計的框架。


這個新的住房創新基金將由名為“下一代制造業加拿大”(Next Generation Manufacturing Canada)的創新集群主導。


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    共有 32 人參與評論    (其它新聞評論)
    評論12 Buswell牙牙 2024-04-09 12:40
    評論11 KoolAid 2024-04-09 11:56
    評論10 yuldsa666 2024-04-08 19:00
    評論 9 寫道:
    It worked. But most Canadian now know who this SOB liar is. He will be gone for sure.

    6473710017 招財務 曼哈頓
    評論9 游客 [匏.秋.有.寓] 2024-04-08 18:49
    評論 5 寫道:
    Lots of people here and there want JT to step down as PM. However, this is a democratic society. Not because of loud opposition voices here and there will indicate the weak votes turnout in elections. Lots of JT supporters will cast their ballots for him. And that was why he has stayed as PM for ten years. Now it is time again to give out benefits to voters and this is the resource that oppositions do not have. This is the bribery to the voters. And it works all the time.

    It worked. But most Canadian now know who this SOB liar is. He will be gone for sure.
    評論8 游客 [及.癸.語.學] 2024-04-05 23:22
    評論 7 寫道:
    Very confused comments with no clear points about how you stand on this failed government.

    That is why it is hard for you to understand how the democratic systems work. It is your right to have firm opinions that this government has failed. But not all Canadian think the same way. That is why the politics play the ballot games, not only poll games. It becomes easy to understand politics once you are willing to listen opinions from both sides or more sides. Thank you for your comments and sorry for making you feel confused.
    評論7 游客 [不.曰.記.餘] 2024-04-05 18:39
    評論 5 寫道:
    Lots of people here and there want JT to step down as PM. However, this is a democratic society. Not because of loud opposition voices here and there will indicate the weak votes turnout in elections. Lots of JT supporters will cast their ballots for him. And that was why he has stayed as PM for ten years. Now it is time again to give out benefits to voters and this is the resource that oppositions do not have. This is the bribery to the voters. And it works all the time.

    Very confused comments with no clear points about how you stand on this failed government.
    評論6 游客 [上.甲.久.止] 2024-04-05 17:04
    土豆唯一能掙錢的本事就是加稅。從中產階級身上薅毛給窮人,怎麼感覺像當年打倒土豪地主,分田地給貧農,只不過把暴力掠奪改成用政策和法規。不會掙錢,卻天天撒幣,給百姓畫大餅,搞選票。咋看加拿大越來 越像共產主義國家靠攏。
    評論5 游客 [及.癸.群.學] 2024-04-05 16:33
    Lots of people here and there want JT to step down as PM. However, this is a democratic society. Not because of loud opposition voices here and there will indicate the weak votes turnout in elections. Lots of JT supporters will cast their ballots for him. And that was why he has stayed as PM for ten years. Now it is time again to give out benefits to voters and this is the resource that oppositions do not have. This is the bribery to the voters. And it works all the time.
    評論4 游客 [不.曰.記.餘] 2024-04-05 14:31
    評論3 游客 [土.西.世.語] 2024-04-05 13:24
    這是看著明年肯定會下台,給PP 和廣大老百姓留一個爛攤子。難道他不知道自己會被整死下台得時候嘛,到時候就不是土豆了, 是過街老鼠
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